Private Sales Area
Thank you for enquiring about the Private Sales Area at the 2025 Covi RV & Outdoor SuperShow.
The Covi SuperShow is the largest motorhome and caravan show in New Zealand and attracts a diverse range of people. There are over 15,000 visitors who attend over the three days of the show. To help cater for this range of people we are promoting a Private Sales Area which gives private individuals the opportunity to sell their private vehicles to visitors to the show.
To be eligible to sell your vehicle at the 2025 Covi SuperShow it must meet a number of criteria:
If you meet these criteria, we would love to have you at the show. Below I have listed some further information that is relevant to being a Private Sales seller at the 2025 Covi SuperShow:
To apply, fill in and submit the form below.
If you have any questions please call David on 021 396 900.